
How often should i hold my python?

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okay so i got my ball python on monday and it is 3weeks old should i keep holding it till it gets used to me or should i wait till saturday after it eats




  1. You need to wait until 24-36 hours after it eats. Besides that the LOVE to be held, so I say if it like to be held you can hold it as much as you want. If it doesn't like to be held, then spend 10-15 minutes at a time handling it so it gets used to being handled. I hope this helps.

  2. I hold mine all of the time. Even after it's eaten...They're generally sweet and docile snakes. They don't bite or get upset. But it is better if you at least let them be in their cage absorbing heat after eating. It helps them digest better.  

  3. ok not be be mean or anything but no snake LOVES to be held. they just soon learn to TOLERATE it. but i have a 2 month old and it took me 3 times to finally get him to eat. do not hold him or touch him for 2 days BEFORE he eats. from experience, it help alot. do not hold him for at least 2 days after he eats. i know it seems like a pain but it works. once he has eaten for you a couple times, you should be able to handle him feeding day. it all depends on the snake.

    good luck!

  4. Snakeguy is absolutely correct, and I want to solidify that that is the right information.

    You don't want to handle it for at least a day or two after being fed, too much stress while it is digesting can cause it to regurgitate its food which is harmful and stressful for your snake.

    Also, minimize its handling while it is shedding as they feel vulnerable during this stage.  They are more prone to biting in defense during this and can be stressed out.

    Handling a couple times a week for short periods (10-15 minutes) will ensure that your snake comes to know you and becomes comfortable with being handled.

    Too much handling when young, however, can overstress a small snake.

    Ball pythons when young can also be picky eaters so be careful of that.

    When it is older you can handle it more often and for longer periods of time.

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