
How often should i water my green pepper plant and what conditons does it need?

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I have a medium size green pepper plant, its currently on my window sill. And just want to know wether thats the right place to keep it and how much i should water it a day.




  1. In my experience they are like weeds,even if you don't take care of these plants they still bare fruit,But I find in a well lite spot watered every second to third day,unless extreme heat water daily with free running soil & some type of liquid fertilizer added monthly will give best results.In a pot they will only do so much but if you are happy with the yield keep it up,If not try potting it up to a bigger pot & place outside for about 21 days to gain strength,I would also keep some seeds from one of your peppers as they are extremely easy to propagate & you would get better results by using freshly propagated seeds after a couple of harvests max as they are only meant to be annuals.

    Pepper is a tender, warm-season vegetable. Pepper plants require somewhat higher temperatures, grow more slowly and are smaller than most tomato plants. Brightly colored, sweet bell pepper varieties have recently burst onto the scene. A vast range of other garden peppers (pimiento, tabasco, cayenne, chili and paprika) may be grown for food, spices or as ornamentals.The sweet varieties of peppers, especially the bells, traditionally have been by far the most popular in the United States. They are eaten green or ripe and are used for salads, stuffing, soup, stews, relishes and pickling. New developments in color and form have done nothing to dull the popularity of sweet peppers. Hot pepper varieties have also enjoyed a rebirth of popularity recently, mainly due to various ethnic cuisines that use their unique flavors and heat creatively.

    When to Plant

    Peppers are best started from seeds indoors in late winter and then transplanted into the garden after the soil and air have warmed in the spring. The plants cannot tolerate frost and do not grow well in cold, wet soil. When night temperatures are below 50° to 55°F, the plants grow slowly, the leaves may turn yellow and the flowers drop off. Raised beds, black plastic mulch and floating row covers may be used to advantage with peppers to warm and drain the soil and enhance the microenvironment of the young pepper plants in spring, when cool weather may persist.

    Spacing & Depth

    Set transplants 18 to 24 inches apart in the row, or 14 to 18 inches apart in all directions in beds. A dozen plants, including one or two salad and hot types, may provide enough peppers for most families; but with so many colors, flavors and types available, more may be necessary for truly devoted pepper lovers or for devotees of ethnic cuisines.


    Peppers thrive in a well-drained, fertile soil that is well supplied with moisture. Use a starter fertilizer when transplanting. Apply supplemental fertilizer (side-dressing) after the first flush of peppers is set. Because a uniform moisture supply is essential with peppers, especially during the harvest season, irrigate during dry periods. Hot, dry winds and dry soil may prevent fruit set or cause abortion of small immature fruits.

    Recommended Varieties

    Hybrid Bell

    Bell Boy (70 days to harvest; goes green to red)

    Lady Bell (72 days; goes green to red)

    Purple Belle (70 days; immature purple, black to red)

    Chocolate Bell (75 days; green to chocolate brown)

    Sweet Frying or Salad Type

    Gypsy (65 days to harvest; pale yellow to orange to red)

    Sweet Banana (70 days; pale yellow to orange to red)

    Hot Peppers

    Cayenne, large thick (70 days to harvest)

    Cayenne, long, slim (73 days)

    Jalapeno (70 days)

    Red Chili (84 days)

  2. Water well, they are similar in water needs to the tomato. They also need lots of sunshine, and warmth.

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