
How often should you get a new prescription grade for glasses?

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I've been wearing the same glasses for 2 years now and I was wondering when I should get a new prescription or how often I should go see the eye doctor?




  1. Every 2 years if you are over 18.  If you are under 18, then it's usually every year.

  2. you have to go every year

    im in the same situation as you are but i've been to lazy to go

  3. If you are in the US, your glasses prescription is only valid for one year.  You may not feel the need to replace them yearly but if you've past your expiration and lose/break your current pair, you'll need a new exam to get them replaced.

  4. every 2 years is how my drs have me do mine

  5. I agree with the other person every 2 years.

    I just got my first pair of eye glasses this year.

  6. Hey, you should get an eye exam every two years.If you are wearing contacts every year.

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