
How often should you see your boyfriend? or talk to him on the phone.. sms etc? (16 years old)?

by  |  earlier

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  1. u should only see him every so often same with text's and phone calls.

    if u call him and text him everyday then he would start to thnk that u r to cliner and u will end up pushing him away. now i dont thnk u wount that so i sugest that u only c hime on a regualy baise not everday, cause u both need spase and thats impotant.  

  2. as needed... (not wanted)

    you're still young and you've many things to do in your is your boyfriend..

    you don't have to see/talk to each other evey minute..

    learn to manage time..there should be enough time for your boyfriend, for your family and more importantly for yourself. good luck

  3. i'm 16 and i try to see him every weekend.. just hard at the moment cuz we've got exams.. but we talk via text and msn every night and on the phone about 3-4 times a week :)


  4. see him no more than 4 or 5 hours per day, or you will get tired of each other

    sms as long as it doesn't get annoying

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