
How often to change water tank?

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I have a 36 gallon tank with tropical fish in it, i was wondering how often do i suppose to change their water?




  1. You should change it once a month

  2. You are supposed to change 1/4 of the water every week.

  3. Up to 1/4 once a week.  Depending on the number, kind and size of fish, you may need to do it more often.  Doing more than this may cause too much stress in the fish causing sickness and/or death.

  4. The will depend on its population and the type of fish housed in your tank.  If goldfish or koi they produced lot of waste some do daily water change of 10 percent. Other types like swordtail or tetra 20 percent per week.

  5. Do a 15-20% water change once a week. If you have some bottom feeders, it will save you some cleaning and you might be able to go 10 days . No more then that, though. Fish waste contains ammonia and when you have high ammonia levels, fish get sick and will die.

  6. at least 1/3 every week will do very well.

  7. We have a 30 gallon and it kind of depends on how many fish you have and how much you feed them... We have a 6-inch Oscar, a 3 inch goldfish, and a 2 inch cichlid and change the water 75% at least once a week.  My fiancee is also very particular about the tank, but you should at least do a 50% every week...

    i don't get why people rate so harshly.... and in the FISH section!!! do these people have nothing better to do!!!'s not like i said change it 10% every month or something... wackjobs

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