
How often when you see a woman driving an expensive car do you assume she paid for it?

by  |  earlier

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"You sound like you have a problem with women driving expensive cars. I imagine many havent paid for it themselves because women still don't get equal pay for equal work."

... this nonsense again? -- Well, based on that, they probably shouln't be driving "equal" vehicles.




  1. Most people probably assume that the husband bought it. Any time I bring my husband along to make a large purchase, the sales people always dote on him and assume he's the one paying. They always looked surprised when they see me pulling out my credit card when it's time to ring up.

  2. Thanks to feminism which has put a stop to the self-serving male entitlement system of locking women out of educations and working rights such as equal pay and shattering glass ceilings, women in the last two or three generations have begun to actually be able to rise in financial self-sufficiency.  I have bought every single car I've ever owned, except for that snappy kelly-green sweet BMW I got in a settlement from a University when a professor there groped me within eyeshot of a security camera, the dork. : )

    Edit: Yeah.  Sure.  My father insisted his kids all buy their own first cars and I just kept going from there until I owned about six Fords pickups, 17 John Deere 4020's, three stock trucks, two combines, etc.  THEN, I had teenagers!  : )  I made them buy their own first cars, too.

  3. That thought doesnt even cross my mind. If shes HAWT, then yeah...I envy the car seat, the gear shift, and the steering wheel. Thats about it :-D

  4. Funny I never gave it any thought!

  5. Almost never.

  6. I think I just lost whatever small amount of respect I had for patois.

  7. Sugar daddy paid for it.

    Edit: these thumbs down I got just go to show how embarrassed you are when daddy pays for it.

  8. no, i assume it's a company car. most people have them these days

  9. never. they are either their husbands or company cars! and im a woman!

  10. I never assume they payed for it.

    But I do believe they have a well off boyfriend or husband.

    Either that of a well off ex husband.

    I'm sure there are a couple women who payed for themselves, even with money they earned themselves.

    But most just weasel it out of some poor (not monetarily) guy.

    I also assume she's very skilled with her mouth and tongue.

  11. I assume it's her car unless I see someone else hand her the keys or something.

  12. Here's one for the women's libbers.

    The woman has paid for the car whether she used cash or her womanly wiles to make the purchase.

  13. I never think about anyone's car that much.

  14. If she's homely , she paid for it.

    If she's hot , someone else did.

  15. Her PIMP DADDY lets her borrow it.

  16. I bet she got her hunny a matching one so we can all puke!

  17. Thats a good question... I hate to admit it but I hardly ever assume they have paid for it, or before I pull up to where I can actually see the driver, I just assume that it is a man. That is so backwards because I am working my a$$ off to be able to afford that lifestyle. Thanks for making me more self aware :)

  18. I never assume anything about anyone's car.

  19. Women aren't allowed to drive here in Saudi Arabia...

  20. You sound like you have a problem with women driving expensive cars.  I imagine many havent paid for it themselves because women still don't get equal pay for equal work.

  21. I generally assume she is paying for it.  Most women I know buy thier own cars but, just like men, make car payments each month and many times pay much more than the vehicle is worth.  In the case of an expensive car I just figure she is living beyond her means like everyone else.

  22. Wouldn't this question apply to men as well?

    Some men still have credit owing their cars which they end up loosing if they missed any payments.

  23. I assume that she not only paid for it but that she doesn't have children....otherwise she'd have more important things to spend her money on.  Kind of presumptuous but......

  24. I always think she bought it herself.  I know a lot of women these days who make as much as or more than their husbands.  In my office building, we have a real estate company downstairs - and lots of those women have great cars - and I know darn well its because of their own hard work. :)

  25. I never cared enough to think about it.

  26. Usually, but I also tend to assume they are married and have the extra financial support of the husbands to be able to affor expensive cars.

  27. Honestly, it depends on where the woman is.  Sorry to say this, but if I'm watching a show about LA, and I see a woman driving a fancy car, I'm thinking, "Okay, Daddy bought it".  If I see an older woman in Manhattan (and depends on the race) driving a fancy car, I think, "Okay, her husband bought it".  If I see a young woman in NYC with a fly car, I think, 'She worked her *** off for that car".

    With that said, this question is kinda sexist.

    EDIT: Nic: Way to assume that A: The woman couldn't POSSIBLY have enough money for her kids AND a nice car and B: I highly doubt that you'd feel the same about a man driving a nice car.  How sad.

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