
How often will my western racer snake shed his skin?

by  |  earlier

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how old is he what is his natural habitat how long until he is full grown how big will he get what size tank will he need. he shed his skin for the first time last night, i measured it at 10 1/4 inches




  1. Most all snakes shed there skin about 3 times a year, or more. He will for sure need a 20 gallon tank but possibly a 40 gallon. Good Luck!

  2. Most snakes shed between 6-8 weeks, but it varies from snake to snake. Also, if you got him from the wild, let him go. No offense, but if you don't know what the natural habitat is for the snake and the size tank it needs, you don't need to keep a snake from the wild. They are also a lot harder to keep then a captive bred species.

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