
How often you get in touch with your military friends?

by Guest31852  |  earlier

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How often you get in touch with your friends?

Especially the ones far away and only reach by email? I have this friend who's military on assignment away (Not Iraq) but elsewhere and Idk if it's OK to write every week or so, and what to say besides Hi?

I ask cuz we are not very close, we only met like 2 times but have being in touch for almost 2 years now, and I don't want to look nosey.

Any help would be appreciated?

I do like him a lot, I may say! But don't know about him. We are only friends, but I care about him.




  1. When I was stationed overseas, I loved getting mail (hand written letters or email) from family and friends.  A letter can do so much even before it is opened.  

    Now that I am out, I write to my friends all the time.  I know some of them can't email very often due to where they are but I make it a point to respond to their emails as soon as I get one from them so whenever they get a chance to check their mail, they will have at least one.

  2. Getting mail is always a morale booster, even email.  I don't think it would be a problem to drop a line at least once a month or so.  If they don't seem to write back they are either not intrested, no internet access, or to tired.

    You can always just put "Hi, haven't heard from you in awhile just keeping in touch.  If you need anything don't hesitate to let me know.  Your friend  (your name)

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