
How oftern do u have s*x with your partner?

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How oftern do u have s*x with your partner?




  1. now we have a baby, Only once a day.

    But I think thats pretty good for a couple with a newborn.

  2. likee everryysinglle day!

  3. Four to Six times a week is healthy in a relationship.

  4. As frequently as I can.

  5. atleast 3x a week on a good week, and 2 on a bad one

  6. Once a day typically at night.

  7. Whenever is from1-4 times a day that's during weekends at-least

  8. as often as we can, the minimum would be less than 3 times in a week

  9. It happens naturally but if we are apart from each other we tend to have it almost everyday.  

  10. When we first started dating, probably once a day.  Now probably 2 to 3 times a week (been together for about a year).

  11. twice a day maybe more im horny he cant keep up lol

  12. 4 to 5 times a week even after 4 yrs together

  13. NOT ENOUGH!!!!  

  14. Once or twice on the days I get to see him

  15. once every couple of weeks.

    if we had more time together, we would probably do it more you know :)

  16. My imaginary partner and I have relations all the time.

  17. started out like 6 times a week. Now it's more like 6 times a month, if that.

  18. As often as possible. 3-5 times a week.

  19. At least 3 times a week. We've been together for 3 yrs & 8 months.

  20. I noticed this question is in the g*y, etc. category and I am straight so I am not sure whether or not I am qualified to answer it or if you are looking for the answers of only the g*y, etc. community. But I thought I'd answer it anyways because it can't hurt right? Daily. Especially new couples need that kind of attention on eachother. s*x is very good for you, especially when it is with someone you love.  

  21. when ever i see my boyfrannn<3

  22. it's a long distance relationship...but when we are together( maybe 1/3 or of the time) every day/every other day...

  23. huh are you serious?


  24. me and my partner have been together 3 years and at first we used to have s*x three to fiur times a day. but it dwindled down to one and two after a year i think its just because things have become famliar with us and we felt comfortable with this but since i had my 2 sons i'm lucky if i feel like having s*x once a week. lifestyle factors eg stress, medical issues, phsychological issues can affect peoples libido alot and the loose the s*x drive that they used to have. but a great way to try put a spark back into lovemaking is to talk about it with your partner see if he has anything worrying him and visa versa and this should help to gradually get a beter understanding of one another and get your s*x life back on track

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