
How old are Rhode Island Reds before they start laying?

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We are going to get four females and one rooster Wednesday. They are recently hatched.




  1. We have New Hampshire Reds (similar to RI Reds ) hatched the third week of April and no eggs yet- they don't even look like pictures of adult birds yet, so I'm hoping by mid september we'll have eggs from them.  Your best bet is to go to Backyard Chicken . com ; they have so much information on all breeds, coop construction, feeding, egg laying, etc - I am new to chickens and love this web site- books are a great suggestion, too.  And we have no rooster and get eggs from our other hens, so unless you want fertilized eggs and your neighbors enjoy the crowing (and it can be at all times of the day) you can still get eggs without one !  Good luck - we love our chickens !

  2. You do not need a rooster for the hens to lay eggs.

    Get a book on raising chickens or Google raising chickens.

    The hens can begin to lay at 3-4 months.  Your local feed store who will sell you laying mash can also give you information.  

    Please have a very secure chicken coop so they are not killed by predators.  

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