
How old are kids when they start using deodorant?

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My son is 5 and from what his teacher tells me, most of the kids in his class (especially boys) get really musky in the armpits. Sometimes my kids pits smell like a grown man! I've been able to keep it under control with daily cleansing and baby powder, but I wanted to know when kids start wearing deodorant. I don't want to use it too soon and cause skin irritations, of course. He's so young. It must be in the meat! lol




  1. puberty age.  That teacher has her head in the wrong place

  2. I was ten...

  3. Generally 10-12, but it could be their diet, could be maturing early. Ask your MD and get professional opinion. You are correct though because young skin can be irritated by certain products. Also, keep in mind Deodorant only has fragrance, ANti Persprirant stops sweating.

  4. That's not normal - I can believe that the odd child has stinky armpits at that age, but not most of the class. I would take him to the doctor just to check that everything's OK - and ask him what he recommends for kids this young at the same time.

    And what's all the baby powder for? Are you sure this isn't trapping sweat and making him stink worse?

  5. People are cruel and you don't want people saying mean stuff to him, but antiperspirant really isn't good for him. I know that they have a crystal out that you wet it and put it on and it works great he would have to use it daily, but it is safe for his little under arms. You can get it in any drug store and I believe also at the Supermarket. It runs for about 8 dollars but last over 6 months.

  6. One of my girls was 8.  She started sweating profusely during active things. It did stink pretty bad. My other was 6 - I only put it on her if she was going to be pretty active for more than 4 hours- or in the heat.

  7. I love my kids deeply but they STINK BAD after they have been running and playing. My 5 year old has his own deoderant. I use Tussy on him. The mildest one I could find. So far no skin irritations. My kids are sweaters' and get musty very easy. Some days they smell worse than my husband after he has come home from work(he is a mechanic). Yes my kids take baths sometimes 2 when it is hot outside. I make it part of their daily regime to put lotion and deodrant on everyday. My motto is"If I can smell you I know someone else can too and they might not be as nice as me".

    Don't be ashamed, if you are seriously concerned see the family doctor.

    Best of luck!

  8. well it really depends on how stinky your child's armpits are.if you think there pretty bad ,don't get a strong deodorant get a sensitive kind.if your not sure go ask your doctor if they know any sensitive or soft deodorants.

    it doesn't matter how old the child matters if the child needs it.

  9. hmm, well if people are complaining that he smells, do they mean just B.O? or something else. you should wash him daily and make sure he cleans under his arms, but if you start smelling the b.o, maybe you should go to a doctor & ask about it. but if you feel comfortable enough to buy him deodorant, then do so.

  10. When they start getting sweaty.

  11. My son started at age 7.  I started wearing it age 6.  It's all in your make up.  I would use a mild deoderant, like Sure.  It shouldn't cause any irritation, and if it does, have him use lotion after his bath at night and only put the deoderant on the in the morning.

  12. Mine is 10 and doesn't need deoderant.  I think you should see a doctor about this, it isn't normal

  13. I was told by my teacher (the whole class was) to start using it "now" ("Now" was in 7th grade).

  14. If he is that bad then he may have a disorder of the sweat glands.  I'd take him to the doctor before I started shoving chemicals onto his skin.  If it is this bad now and left untreated it will be far worse when he reaches puberty.

  15. All of my students come in from recess a little ripe, but when they cool down, they're fine.  Our nurse just had a health talk and told them that next year when they go to middle school, it should be about time (5th grade).  I was in 5th grade when a teacher told our class that, too, right before an all-day field trip.  That's when I started.

  16. around 5 or 6 is fine I started when I was 7 or 8

  17. Instead of baby powder try baking soda. It is a natural odor absorber and will work better than the powder yet still be gentle. I'd also suggest mentioning this to his doctor at his next exam, I have never heard of a child that young having true body odor so I'm not sure why the teacher would lead you to believ it's common.

  18. Adrenarche happens early in some children, and can cause the appearance of pubic hair (no idea if your son has this) and body odor that usually occur closer to puberty. This is just one possible explanation. You sad your doctor is not concerned, so maybe this is not the issue.

    You can use a deodorant (not an anti-perspirant) to control the smell. Tom's of Maine makes natural deodorants that work, or you can look for natural options in a health food store.

  19. I would just put baby powder on him. we is way too young for deodorant. deodorant has aluminum in it. my son started us en it at 11 and I thought that was too young also, but he would stink and the baby powder wasn't working any more on him.

  20. You could try spraying cologne in hits armpits or try baking soda. I'ma girl and I started using deodersnt when I turned 11 and I use Teen Spirit.

  21. My boys are 7 & 8 and use deoderant, when they remember.  They don't really need it, but had to have it because they are "so grown up".


  23. im 11 and i started using it when i was 10, id keep doing what youre doing.

  24. I didn't really know 5 years old needed deodorant... Is he bathing daily? I thought you started around puberty and a little before like around 11. I guess whenever your child needs to start.

  25. When the armpits began to smell. Mine did when I was in 8th grade, until that my armpit did not smell at all, I mean seriously! Though I guess I started later than others.

    Just use the Deodorant Gel so it will feel cooling, if irritation is what you are worried about. I guess your son is growing a man earlier. LOL.

  26. 5 does seem a bit young to me. My daughter is in 3rd grade and now is the time we are noticing what kids REALLY need to start wearing deoderant. lol Some kids could be just really early bloomers too. I taught pre K for years and their were never any musky kids in the armpits that I was aware of, just sweaty kids who smell stinky but not like true BO stinky. I woul say if you notice it like in his shirts or underarm then yes, you need to teach your son proper grooming techniques which may include deoderant, try something for sensitive skin. SHouldn't be a big deal or affect his skin at all.

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