
How old are mos people when they have s*x for the first time?

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How old are mos people when they have s*x for the first time?


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    My boyfriend and i decided it was time.. and i want to make sure it is perfect. i want IT to be flawless, and the a...
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  • Having s*x for the first time...?
    My fiancee and I are getting married in June. We are both virgins and will be waiting until then to have sex. I...
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    I am young, but in love. I had sex for the first time sunday night, with my boyfriend of a year and a half. I wa...
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    okay when i had sex for my first tme she gave me head but it wasnt that good like i was expecting it to make me eja...
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    im not going to have sex for alongggg time but just wondering. doesnt it hurt like ********* the first time? i mean...
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