
How old are people answering the questions?

by  |  earlier

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When I ask a question, I always want to know the age of the people answering them. I want to know the age range. Very few people put their age in the profiles. Why is that?




  1. Im 16 (17 on July 31st)

  2. im 17.

  3. Im 13. In year nine and loving it ;]

  4. I' unknown age *raises eyebrow*



  5. I'm 21 it tells you in my name, some people don't like to reveal to much about themselves on the internet maybe?

  6. Dunno why people dont put there age anyway im 25... how old r u....

  7. I'm not really worried about it. Im 18. I get on here alot.

  8. That's what make the Internet so great.  You can get a variety of anonymous answers from various age groups.  I think if we knew the age of people responding it would lead us to automatically stereotype their response.

    BTW, I'm 37.  I have nothing to hide.

  9. Im 20. Im not sure if my profile has my age on it. but I think some people dont put their ages out there because to some extent it can be dangerous especially for underaged kids.

  10. im 16

  11. im 15

  12. I think it's obvious in their answers.

  13. i'm 21

  14. I'm 30

  15. I am 39 years old, I am retired, and I am really enjoying life.

  16. im 16

    but for somereason im pretty smart when it comes to things

    so thats why im on here so i can help people out

  17. Im 14.

    I recon younger people like me dont put their age on there profiles because people might think 'Oh well there only young, they dont know what there talking about.'

  18. I never put my age down because it just never occurred to me . When someone asks a serious question I just try to answer according to the knowledge I've acquired over the years .. I'm 56 and not ashamed of it .

  19. My age & marital status are in my public view profile.

    Feel free to look.

    There may be some people who don't feel comfortable giving out personal information anywhere on the net.  I don't blame them.  There are some seriously wigged out crazy m**o's out here.

    Other's may feel that their answers may not be considered based on their ages (too young, too old to have knowledge about a subject).

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