
How old are these cars?

by  |  earlier

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Back behind my house, there are a few old cars and a huge pile of junk next to them. I've always wondered how old they are, so I went back and took a few pictures. I took some pictures of the pile of junk too, in case it offers some clues. Here they are, what is your estimate on how old they are?

Car #1 & Janet's bday 001.jpg & Janet's bday 002.jpg & Janet's bday 003.jpg

Car #2 & Janet's bday 004.jpg & Janet's bday 005.jpg & Janet's bday 006.jpg

Car #3 & Janet's bday 007.jpg & Janet's bday 008.jpg & Janet's bday 009.jpg




  1. For car 1, its a 1950s model, I'm sure.

    For car 2, I'm not sure, looks like late 1940s for me.

    For car 3, looking at its speedometer and its body, also looks like 1950s model.

  2. The first one looks like a 53-54 Ford.

    Didn't check out the other ones.

    good luck

  3. 1 late 40's ot early 50's Ford Custom

    #2 Early 1940'2 Pontiac

    #3 Early 1940's chevy

    Pile of Junk #1 is most likely an early 40's olds.  

          Tall piece of chrome in left of picture.

  4. The first 1 is a 54 ford. With a three on the tree transmission (don't see a lot of those anymore).

    The other two are late 40's early 50's coupes I can't tell what make from your pictures.

  5. #1 looks like a 1954 ford  , you must take pics. of the front and read of all cars  AND NO THEY   ARE NOT JUNK THEY ARE CLASSICS  I AM RESTORINGG  A 1940 FORD   THESE CARS ARE  NOT IN TOO BAD OF SHAPE     SELL THEM   ON EBAY

  6. it would be easier to tell if you had the whole cars in the pic instead of random parts, but #1 is a 52 to 54 ford

    #2 is a 40s chrysler product, possibly a 42 to 48 plymouth

    #3 is a 1940s gm car probably a buick or cadillac

  7. 40s and early 50s?

    Too hard for me to tell exactly what year....some of that looks almost like old mattresses and gym equipment.

  8. those cars look like back in the 40s and 50s. that first car looks like a 54 ford. another 1 looks like a 40 something olds. or a dodge. cant quiet make them all out. it would be better if all the car was there.

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