
How old are werewolves when they usually first turn????

by  |  earlier

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like when they first undergo the transformation?




  1. uhm, they don't. Physical shape-shifting is, unfortunately, impossible.

    The reason for this is that our universe follows certain physical laws. In order to "become" a wolf, you would have to have the DNA of a wolf tucked away in your cells. The energy required to switch to using that DNA set, change all your proteins, change all your blood cells/create new ones, change your neurons, change your bone structure, etc etc... well, it just can't be found in the body. It would require too much energy for it to happen near spontaneously. Also, in the middle of that your immune system would begin attacking your body due to antigen issues, and your brain reorganising itself would likely either kill you or remove all traces of your current personalities and memories, leaving you an uncoordinated and highly confused wolf forever.

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