
How old are you in 7th 8th 9th grade?

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you see I'm not from USA and every time people write what grade they're in I have a lot of trouble finding out how old they are

1. How does the system of education work ? Elementary school middle school high school ... Uni right after?

2. How old are you in 7th grade eighth ninth tenth ...

3. How many years is middle and high school?

4. What is the junior senior freshman thing?

Thank you!!!




  1. 7th 12-13

    8th 13-14

    9th 14-15


    your a freshman in 9th grade a sophmore in 10th

    a junior in 11th and a senior in 12th

  2. 1) ok so it goes from elementary school which depending on the school is grades 1-5 and then middle which is grades 6-8 and then highschool which is grades 10-12. uni is called college here and yeah you go after you finish highschool

    2) seventh grade you're 12-13, eighth grade you're 13-14 ninth 14-15 tenth 15-16

    3) There are 3 years in middle school and four years in high school most of the time

    4) a freshman is when you're in ninth grade, sophomore when you're in tenth grade, junior when you're in eleventh grade, and senior when you're in twelfth grade

  3. 1. First you go to Kindergarten, which isn't part of Elementary school or anything, when you're about five. Then Elementary school is either grades 1-5 or 1-6 depending on the school. After that, Middle School is either 6-8 or 7-8, again depending on the school, so it's about 3 years. Highschool is 9-12. I don't know much about college and such.

    2. In 7th grade I was 12 half the year, 13 the other half, 8th 13/14, I'm 14 and in 9th right now, and then it just counts up through highschool.

    3. Middle school and highschool together is about 7 years.

    4. Freshman first, 9th grade, then... uh.. I forget. I'm in highschool too, haha. But I know that Senior is last, 12th grade.

    Sorry if that was all cramped together and confusing, I kinda wrote a lot.

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