
How old are you in your dreams?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i just feel me. young so maybe 20

  2. I am usually the age that I am now, but sometimes I dream that I am in High School again and sometimes when I am really lucky I dream that I am in Elementary School and can fly!

  3. Usually the age im now, but if i have a dream which happened when i was a kid am still the same age but treated like a kid.


  4. The age I have in my dream is giving a very important message . If I am much younger I know I will have a big joy ; but if I am much older I know I will go through a ordeal  

  5. I'm always the same age as I am in real life, but sometimes I'll be in situations for people of younger or older ages- like playing with toys or being married and pregnant.

  6. 24!

  7. About 15.

  8. 18

  9. im 14 but im usually around 17 in my dreams

  10. Ageless....I think.

  11. im the age i am now

    or im older

    and married

    to my bf haha

    ether or


  12. I dont think ive had a dream where i was older or younger than what i am ... i realy like dreams although i rarely remember them .. had a great one the other nit tho .. very clear and vivid and made alot of sense of how i was feeling and the way things wer goin in my life

  13. Well it depends on the dream. I'm usually the age I am when I have the dream or a couple years older.

  14. Depends when i had the dreams. lol, my dream is to spend my life with you in love.

  15. The age varies according to the dream content.  Usually my present age.

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