
How old are you when you begin preparing for GCSE's in the UK?

by  |  earlier

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Is it 14 or younger?




  1. Year 10, which is 14/15.

  2. its 16

  3. After SATs (Year 9), when most kids are 14. The prep properly starts in Year 10 usually (kids are often still 14 at the beginning of year 10).

  4. you start doing your gcse lessons in year 10 at 14/15 and do assignments as well, and in year 11 15/16 you take ya gcse exams.

  5. i did mine when i was 16 years old, turning 17 the same year

  6. You are preparing for your GCSE's throughout your school time up to them. You are working toawrds them. That is the ultimate goal, before As' and A levels, and furthur education. But you actually start the specific GCSE course in yr 10. And you can be as young as 14 in yr 10, so you were right.

    Hope this helps x

  7. you do s.a.t.s when your around 12 /13 then when you get to 14 you start preparing for g.c.s.e's you take the g.c.s.e's at  16.

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