
How old are your homeschooled children?

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How old are your homeschooled children?




  1. 15, and 1

  2. 9yr old in 3rd grade

  3. my daughter is 4

  4. 7

  5. My sister and I have been homeschooled the whole way. She's 18, I'm 15, and we LOVE it! :)

  6. Well I am a homeschooled kids and I am 13 and my bro is 14  !

  7. 13 and 16. They both attended public school through fifth grade and have been homeschooling since then, of their choice.

  8. 7 and 8

  9. me and my lil sis have been home schooled since kindergarten. Im 14 and my lil sis is 7.

  10. I have a 6yo, 13yo currently homeschooling.

    My 20 year old is now in college and was homeschooled since kindergaten.

    I also have a 17 year old who is in public school this year after homeschooling all her life. She wanted to test her wings a bit prior to leaving for college next year. She also had a mild case of the 'grass is always greener'.  Now she knows it isn't. LOL.

    This is year 15 of homeschooling for us and I am barely over half-way to graduating the last one out of homeschooling, but I am loving it.

  11. He is 15.  We have homeschooled for 2 years.

  12. We're home educated. I'm 14. My home educated siblings are aged: 5, 8, 9, 12 and 15. The 19 yr old and 23 yr old are both studying BSc (Hons) degrees at home by correspondence courses...although 19 yr old reckons she's away to Uni to study equine dentistry in February. Also my 3 yr old nephew and 7 yr old niece are learning at home with us.

    So, just in case that's as confusing as it seems, the home schoolers here are aged: 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 19 and 23.

  13. four, but we're mostly unschooling at this point.

  14. Twin girls who are 10 (5th grade)

    5 year old son (K)

    3 year old daughter (Pre-K)

    This is our first year homeschooling.

  15. I have twin boys who are 6. 1st grade... they went to public K and are now home. I will NOT send them back to PS.

  16. 16 and 14.

    1 girl and 1 boy.

  17. I was homeschooled from 6 to 18, and my brother was homeschooled from 5 to 14.

  18. I have two daughters - both having birthdays in December. They will be 2 and 9.

    Yes, I homeschool the two year old as well - she is learning her colors and can identify letters are letters (she calls them all 'A'), and she can sign.

    Homeschooling begins at birth and ends at death because every day we learn something.

  19. Mine are 9, 5, and an extra one not being taught much yet at 16 months.

    My sister's are 16,11,9,7, and 5. We work together on a lot of stuff. I teach Science which she hates and she teaches History which I hate!

  20. 9, 4, 3

  21. 12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 4 and 22 months. We've been out of public schools for two years.

  22. I have a 5 year old and a 2 yearold

  23. well i'm actually the kid, Age 11, my sister, age 14, my brother,age16, my other brother, 20 (in college).

  24. My girls are 3.5 and 2. The 3.5 year old is already on a 1st grade level so we work with her daily as she requests.

  25. Three years old.

  26. 6 and 10

  27. Mine are 8, 10, and 12. (2nd, 4th, and 7th grades)

  28. 7 and 10.

  29. 16, 13, and 11 plus we have a 4 year old son (the hardest) lol

  30. Nine

  31. My children are 6 and 7 and 1st and 2nd grade.  This is our 3rd year to homeschool and on a side note...I was homeschooled also!

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