
How old are your kids when you stop writing their names in their clothes?

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I have a habit of writing my sons name kind of big on his clothes and backpack.

It started because my son was losing so many sweaters, jackets and backpacks in elementary school.

Now sometimes I get a little crazy with the black sharpie that even my husband rolls his eyes and laughs at me.

Thankfully my son seems not to care so much.

I just never want to embarrass him! We just bought him two nice sweaters to start middle school as a 6th grader. I've already started the school year sharpie crazy, but I know that I need to stop (I only write his name on the inside - but more than once!).

Maybe some kids could tell me what they think (can my habit be potentially socially harming to my son? Is this as embarrassing as your mom writing your name on your underwear?)

And of course I want to hear what other parents do.




  1. In my opinion, this is the time to stop. Your son is getting older, and should be becoming more responsible with his things. however, with things like expensive calculators, you should opt for a label.

  2. My parent's never wrote my name on my stuff..

    But I never really lost anything either.

    I think you should try writing his name on only a few really nice things if you're still worried.

  3. I never did -- if they lost it, they lost it.  Too bad, so sad, should have kept up with it.

    I do mark my son's and husband's initials in their athletic wear -- they tend to do the same races, and duplicate t-shirts, bike shorts, ref shorts, etc., all start to look alike after a while. But it's to help me sort laundry, not to help them keep track!

  4. My parents never did. The only time I write my name on my clothes is  on my gym clothes because when there are so many people in one locker room with the same thing, you need an easy way of identifying what belongs to hwho.

  5. my parents never did that but i think u should stop because its middle school

    he's a new 6th grader and kids can be really mean

  6. I'm 13 and I still write my name on my backpack  :P

    I lose things really easliy :P

  7. it's kind of embarrassing.

    i'd put the sharpie down.

    if he loses it, then start up again.

    but give him a chance!

  8. Well if your son sais he doesn't really mind you writing his name on his clothes then I guess you can keep doing it? And im really happy my mom stoped writing my name on my stuff when I was going into 3rd grade. And well I never really lost alot of stuff. And you don't really need to mark everything your son has either.. He's growing up and isn't going to have his clothes with his name on it for the rest of his life. :)

  9. DROP THE SHARPIE!!! It is VERY bad for the social experience. If people see him with his name written on even one thing he is going to get made fun of. Please for his sake, find something else to write on. After 2nd grade the sharpie is no longer necessary. You can write his name in his notebook and on his calculator if you absolutely have to let it out.

  10. I would say you don't need to write it on his underwear lol cause I am not sure how he would lose those!  My mom wrote my name on my back pack when I was in grade 7 and I used the same backpack until grade 9 or 10 and I NEVER got made fun of.  I think you should stop whenever he asks you to.  If it bothers him then he will let you know, and until then if it makes you feel better keep writing his name on his things until he asks you to stop.  Trust me he WILL tell you if he wants you to stop.

  11. My parents never did that. =3

  12. I have four children that are almost 7, almost 5, 3, and 13 months.  No name-writing in clothes.  Of course, my children are homeschooled, so I don't have to worry about them losing stuff at school all the time.

    Personally, my thought is that in 6th grade, your son should be responsible enough not to lose stuff.  I would stop writing his name in stuff.  If he loses something, require him to earn the money to replace it.  Most likely, he'll learn to be careful after just a couple items.  Or maybe he'll decide to write his name in it himself.

  13. Please Don't tell me you got him sweater vests.? He's going to get picked on! Drop the sharpie- it's very bad for you.

    Unless I want to decorate my backpack or cellphone- There hasn't been sharpie on my objects since I was 8 years old.

  14. 16 or when they move out or stop going to school. At my school it is a RULE to write your name on uniform, bags and anything else that you need for school.

    BTW: Congratulations, your kid seems to have been skipped up. He should not loose much but it's better to be safe than sorry.

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