My daughteris 6 and 1/2. It seems I am constantly on her about washing her face. I'll send her to do it, and she'll come back and it still looks messy. She also can not seem to comb her hair at all. Her hair is a bit long, so I am thinking she will have an easier time when we cut it a shorter, but still..............It also takes a small act of congress to get her to Wash her own hair in the tub, and scrub her own body. It takes 2 secs for me to do it, then I can leave her to play while I get other things done, for her to do it, I have to monitor her for like 10 minutes and remind her how to do it, and watch to make sure she will complete the task. If I leave her to do it alone, she will likely still have a soapy head when she gets out.