I am 26, and I have recently gotten invisalign. I have four teeth with decalcification marks, and on actually has a little brown spot. These came from my original braces when I was around 13. I had them taken off and the ortho never told me what they were. Now the ortho tells me that I could get veneers or bonding. I personally think he goes for the most expensive choice. I'm not getting either because they are too expensive, not natural and have to eventually be replaced.
I heard about the MI and tooth mousse and wonder will it work with these old spots? I want to ask my reg. dentist, but was wondering about anyone else's experience.
Here's a pic of my teeth ( http://lh6.ggpht.com/azenithb/R4_zinZkRYI/AAAAAAAAAiw/062JjNcJi2M/s400/IMG_0147.jpg ), its the top front four Im talking about. Its fuzzy, but you can see the white cloudy areas and the brown spot on the far right. Also note, this is before I had my teeth cleaned and scaled. They look much nicer now,e xcept for the decalicification on the four teeth.