
How old do I have to be to go on the ''anti-pregnancy'' pill. Will I get it free from my GP?

by  |  earlier

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Im 17 years old and i want to go on the pill..Will i get it free from my Gp? Also will my GP tell my parents that Im on the pill because i don't want them to find out. Also if i ask my GP for a certain make of birth control pill will he prescribe them to me?




  1. They won't be free, and I think he can share that info with your parents if they ask. I would suggest going to a planned parenthood or local health department, they will give you some for free and can't tell anyone.

  2. ye just go to your doctors and they will subscribe you with the pill. i got mine for free but im in full time education.

    i was 14 when i first went on the pill

  3. Yes, you should be able to go to your GP, the  ONLY thing that I would be careful of, is if you are going to be using insurance under your parents name, because if thats the case,...then yes, they will find out.  If you dont want to use your parents insurance, you can go to any womens health clinic or planned parenthood and get birthcontrol from there, and any place you go is going to recommend a specific BC.  

  4. your doc will give you pills suitable for you. He might give you some for free but you'll have to buy them later on.It's around $20 per month. And no,your parents won't know if you don't tell them. But you're 17th,i dont see what the big deal is

  5. If you live in the UK you will get it free. Your doctor shouldn't need to tell your parents since you are over 16 years old. It all depends on your medical history which brand you are prescribed as not all types will be suitable for you so you can't assume that if you tell him which ones you want he will prescribe them for you

  6. yes you get it from the GP

    yes its free

    no he wont tell your parents

    they may not prescribe the make you want-it depends if its the best one for you  

  7. You are old enough to take the pill without your parents consent. If you do not want them to know, you can go to your local clinic or planned parenthood, and YES they will give them to you for free. If you prefer to try one brand over another first, just let them know....Although if you are wanting a "name" brand, they may ask you to pay some for it. I suggest taking the generic version of what you're looking for, as they are made exactly the same.

  8. In the UK the age of consent is 17, so Dr's will not have an issue prescribing you the pill. All contraception in the UK is free. The Dr will not tell your parents. You can discuss with your GP what birth control pills you would prefer and he will see if it is suitable

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