
How old do I honestly look?

by  |  earlier

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im not asking for compliments or anything...

im just asking how old you think i am just based on pictures.

im wondering because i notice a lot of older guys (18-25) hit on me ALOT and im guessing its cause i look wayyyyy older than i really am.




  1. 16-17 BTW NICE b***s

  2. wow, ummm you look really pretty! i love your hair! and no, i'm not a L*****n OR a pervert! you look like your 23-25, honestly! sorry, i had to compliment, i hate not being nice...hahah

  3. Oh god it's cause your a cutie and if anything you look younger then you are. If it's not your face then it must be that you have a nice body which most guys notice right away. It's like they're dirty eyes can see right under the persons clothes.

    Nasty freaks!!!

  4. yeahh you look like 16 or 17 but i think its because your b***s are halfway out your shirt :D but your really pretty though.

  5. 15.

  6. 17?

  7. 26

  8. 20

  9. 21

  10. 17

  11. 18

  12. 14

  13. 16

  14. 15

  15. ...........................................

  16. probably 17-18

  17. guys hit on you because you let your b***s hang out and you look old because your hair looks damaged and you wear a lot of make up.. sorry but this thing is all about honesty

  18. dannng you look so much older than 13. you look like your 17 or something. your really pretty by the way.  

  19. well the pose kind of explains why older guys hit on you...

    I'd say you look about 16.

  20. holy **** you're 13

    i would say 17

    straight jailbait lol

    (nice **** btw)

  21. 20 =]

  22. 15 or 16

  23. hmm.. 17-25

  24. cover up your b***s............ how sleazy do you need to be?   HIDE YOUR CLEAVAGE.........  why give away the goodies,  COVER UP!

  25. i would hit on you too


  26. you look young but you could go for 20

  27. 16-17 maybe.

  28. You look about 17. You are really pretty.

  29. 15!!

  30. around 18

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