
How old do crocodiles and alligators live for?

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How old do crocodiles and alligators live for?




  1. One of the oldest crocs lived to around 70 years old. It is very difficult to define an exact agef for them though.

    Check out the wikipedia link below for more info. There is also a link for Alligators

  2. the american aligator has a life span of 30 to 50 years and the crocodile 60 to 70 years.

  3. Hundred year old alligators and crocodiles... ahh, gotta love it when people have to guess. (even if those people are sources other people use) Alligators haven't been kept in captivity for 100 years yet, at least not with the knowledge that we have now on what they need diet and environment-wise. The St. Augustine (florida) alligator farm is the oldest farm in the country. In the '80's they had some alligators that were about 70 years old, but they also had some kind of virus come through and kill a lot of their animals, so we know that they ~can~ live to be at least 70 years old. Documentation on 100+ year old animals is nonexistant for crocodilians. There's a lot of hearsay and rumor, but as far as pinning down age for sure, it hasn't been done. What my family has always said when faced with this question is:

    "They live as long as we do."

  4. 20 to 30 years I think

  5. Alligators, normally 35-50 yrs, but one in captivity was about 70 when it died.

    Some of the larger crocodiles, like the Estuarine Salt-water croc of Australia and SE Asia which grows larger than alligators, can live for over 100 years.

  6. Some species of crocodile can live 70 years on average.  They can live past 100 though and there's even one in the Australia Zoo that's thought to be around 130.  Alligators can live about 50 or so years on average but some can make it into their 70's.

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