
How old do i have to be an airline pilot? and other requirements?

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im currently 15 years old, and i wanna be a pilot in the future, but how old do i have to be, and do i need high GED from high school, and what other stuff do i need to have to be in a commercial airline companys? and if theres any link to schools or something that would be great. i currently live in Kissimmee, FL.

Thanks in advance




  1. Hey there, I am 15 too and I love flying. I am currently training for my pilots license here in the UK. I am not too sure what the regulations are in the US, but I know that if you want to train with an airline, then it is good to get a PPL before you apply. This can help you get short listed for training.

    Many airlines help you train for free, but you have to fly with them after wards. Here in the UK you have to have at least 44 hours of flying time with an instructor and around 10 hours of solo flight. This is to take your PPL. You can take you PPL at 17 here, but again I am not too sure on the US.

    Good Luck!!!

  2. FAA regulations require you to be 16 years old to solo flight and to receive a pilot's license.  You must be able to speak and read English in order to comprehend the regulations that govern flight activities.  There are three levels of licensure:  Private, Commercial and Airline Transport Pilot (ATP).  Each higher level has an increased training and complexity requirement.  There is no per se formal educational requirement although most ATP's have some college or aviation related degrees.  Most pilots have varied backgrounds.  For example, I began flying at age 12 with my father, soloed and licensed at age 16, and have over 5,000 hours in the air.  I hold a Private license for single engine land and sea planes and am instrument rated.  I was in high school when I was licensed, and I am now a Doctor who does flight exams for the FAA.  There is a great professional flying school in Florida.  Good luck.  Doc

  3. FAA Age requirements:

    14 to solo in gliders and balloons

    16 to hold a glider or balloon private pilot license

    16 to solo as a student pilot, powered aircraft

    17 to hold a Private Pilot License

    18 to hold a Commercial Pilot license

    23 to hold an Airline Transport Pilot License

    Yes, you need a high school diploma or GED minimum. Most airlines like to see a 2 or 4 year college degree.

    Go here:

  4. Dude! I am 15 too, my dad is a pilot, and I want to follow in his footsteps.

    About two days ago i asked him the same question, and he told me:

    "You need a private license (pilot's license), which is about $6,000-$8,000, a commercial license (allows you to charge for flights), which requires 250 hours of single-engine time, you need to pass the physical exam, and lastly you need 1500 hours of multi-engine time. The airline will train you to fly their jets."

    Also, from my own research, I known that you need a high school and college degree.

    If you need any more help, contact me on my website,

  5. 18.  Certified as Commercial Pilot.  Multiengine rating.

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