
How old do i look in your oppinion?!?

by Guest60488  |  earlier

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im on the right

also rate me 1-10?

am i pretty?




  1. omg you have got amazing skin-it is soo clear! and you're friend is pretty too. You look about 15.5-16. and you are about a 9.5

  2. I think ur a cutie =)

    id give u a hug and kiss hehe :)

  3. you are reallllyy pretty.

    like 10! =)

  4. You look around 15,

    & yes you're very pretty! :)

  5. ugly

  6. you look about 15........

    and you rate about 10

    youre pretty

  7. You are GORGEOUS.

    You look about 15-17 to me.  

    Beautiful skin by the way, wish I had that. =]

  8. I really wish people would stop asking others to rate them.  It doesn't matter what the world thinks if you are not satisfied with you one will be.  One person might think you are beautiful and another might think that you are okay looking.  Also when you do that you leave your self open to others mean comments or judgments.  When your feelings are smashed to pieces you have no one to blame but yourself for the way you feel.  Plus fishing for compliments is so tacky.  Love yourself.

  9. a 9, u have really pretty eyes, you look like my friend  Genevieve  

  10. you look 16, and about 8 and a half out of 10 I reckon lol

  11. 16? im not too great with guessing ages. Im not gonna rate you because im a girl and thats kinda weird but you have gorgeous skin! i wish i had flawless skin like that (:

  12. yeah your like a 9.5

  13. 14

    why do people ask if they are pretty?  

  14. you look about 14 or 15.

    but yah you're pretty.. and you don't need a number. :]

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