
How old do kids have to be to stay home by themselves?

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My kids are 9 and 7 and I'm wondering when they can stay home alone. I was going to have them stay home after school but that would mean they would be alone for 2 hours. You have to be 10 to be alone at home so I guess I'll wait another year. Just wondering about other parents and when they started leaving their kids alone. My eldest is very responsible.




  1. The law says that a 13 year old can be at home by themselves (but not overnight) and a 14 year old can babysit.

  2. i was 10 when i started

  3. 7 and 9 is WAY too young too be home alone! Maybe you should get them a babysitter to watch them while your out? Their too little too be by themselves while your out no matter how responsible they are! I'd wait till they are 11 too leave them home alone!

  4. I wouldn't leave them home alone until they were atleast 12. And even then no for long.

  5. Even if the eldest is very responsible, the youngest will only be eight, and I'm pretty sure you have to wait until you're twelve to be left alone with a younger child.  My mom started leaving me by myself when I was ten.  Only last year, when I was twelve and my brother was ten, would she leave us alone together for even five minutes.  It's easier to leave one child alone than two, because they got fight or whatever.  I'd say ten and twelve is a good age to leave them alone together.  Ten is fine to leave just one alone.


    I leave my 11 yr home alone for now more than 10 mins, but i have my cell on me at all times and he knows the rules when i am not there  

  7. My mom never let me home alone, even if I wasn't with my brother.

    But, personally, ten is just fine!

  8. I'm 14, almost 15, and my mom won't let me stay home for one day alone. I don't think that is very fair because I don't get into trouble and i'm a responsible kid. I think if it's only two hours I think wait until one of them is at least 10. And you can always unplug the oven and things like that if your worried about them possible starting a fire.

  9. I think that's still a little young, especially to be responsible for a smaller child.  I would phone your local police, Social Services, or that sort of agency to find out what age they recommend.  Also remember that it's one thing to be responsible enough to stay home alone, and another thing entirely to be responsible for another child as well. :-)

  10. Please read the artical.

    The rest can be found at the link at the bottem

    Leaving your children home alone can be a huge step for a parent. The moment you think your children are ready to stay home alone, you begin envisioning scenes from the movie“Home Alone,” where Macaulay Culkin is fighting off potential intruders with a slew of homemade booby-traps. Leaving your children home alone does not have to resemble a scene from a Hollywood movie; it just requires a little thought and preparation on your part.

    According to the National Child Care Information Center, there are no existing laws that address leaving children unattended at home. The only two states that have developed laws regarding leaving children by themselves are Illinois and Maryland. Guidelines are usually available through County offices to give parents an idea about what to know and expect when leaving children home alone. Otherwise, it is up to the parent to decide when a child is ready to be home alone.

    Teaching responsibility and trust are two of the most important things a parent can offer a child. If you feel the child is ready, staying home alone can be a perfect opportunity to test these traits. Leaving children at home by themselves is about knowing when the child is ready. You have to ask yourself how prepared you are for the experience and if you feel comfortable enough leaving your child unattended.

    Knowing Your Child is Ready

    You know your child better than anyone else does. Therefore, you should be able to recognize when they are ready to handle some added responsibility. We all know how unexpected life can be, and there will be situations that arise which require you to leave your child by themselves. Whether it is an unexpected business meeting or a night out with your husband - it is important to know when your child is able to stay home alone.

  11. I think 10 is too young. It depends on your kids and the neighborhood. I was responsible and we lived in a good neighborhood, so when I was 12, my mom left me home with my younger brother and sister. We were fine.

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