
How old do then leopard gecko's have to be to eat pinkies? (easy ten points)?

by  |  earlier

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i want to feed them a treat but don't want them to choke and die.

First person to give good answer i can give you 10 points no joke..




  1. I say they should be atleast 7 inches. (they love pinkies.)

  2. You should NEVER feed your leo pinkies! They are extremely high in fat, and the bones are indigestible. If you want to give it a really good treat, try a single berry of some sort. These can be raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc. Dont feed these to him too often; they can cause diarrhea. Another good treat option is waxworms, but feed these only on occasion, since they are also high in fat.

  3. As others have said, leo's are insectivores and are not metabolically able to digest pinkies easily!  Sure, they CAN...but as responsible owners, we should do what's best for them!  Feeding pinks is an outdated practice; there are so many more nutritous feeders out there to choose from nowadays.

    If you want to give your leo a treat, try silkies or phoenix worms.  I breed my own roaches, so I don't much worry about food anymore and they LOVE the discoids!  Other choices include supers (if adults), mealies, butter worms and locusts/crickets.  

  4. You should NEVER feed a Leo pinkies! They are really bad for them.

  5. go to   and look under feeding

  6. I'd say 6 to seven inches.

  7. Leopard geckos aren't the kinds of reptiles that should be fed pinkies...only snakes and perhaps other purely carnivorous reptiles of larger sizes could digest that.

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