
How old do u have to be to be a waitress in a fancy/semi fancy restraint?!?

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How old do u have to be to be a waitress in a fancy/semi fancy restraint?!?




  1. 20 or 21, use some restraint in your fancy terminology

  2. What's a "fancy restraint"?

  3. It depends on the state you are in. Each state has different laws about what age you have to be to serve alcohol. Some it's 19 and some is 21...

  4. I believe you have to be 18 or 21 years old if you are serving alcohol

  5. You should be at least 18 years old. You should be 21 if you will be handling alcohol.

  6. depends on the state.

    i work in ohio, where you have to be 18 to sell alcohol, 19 to serve alcohol, and 21 to pour alcohol (aka be a bartender), but those laws vary from state to state. technically, if you are of age to serve alcohol by your state's laws, a resteraunt legally has to consider you, or else it's age discrimination. Of course, some 'fancy' resteraunts as you say might require prior experience.

  7. depending on the state.. 18 usually but some places will hire minors but someone else has to carry you alchol

  8. I doubt there is any age limit in kinky restaurants where the waitresses are in restraints, fancy or not.

  9. If you are going to be working at a family type restaurant then you only have to be 16, however, if the restaurant serves alcohol of any kind then you will have to be 18 to be a sever. You can still work for the restaurant even if they serve alcohol, but you can't be a server, you can however, be a hostess, dishwasher, prep cook, or even work doing line prep. Hope this helps.

  10. It is pretty hard to waitress in fancy restraints.  I myself prefer a standard handcuff, nothing too fancy.  You have to be 18 to buy handcuffs or any kind of fancy semi fancy restraint.  Hopefully, if yu do get a job in a restaurant, they will have a Micros system so you won't have to spell anything.

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