
How old do u have to be to legally move out

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without ur parents having cosity over u or anything like that? cuz i wanna move out asap




  1. Unless you are emancipated, then 18.

    When you turn 18 you are automatically emancipated.

    In case you don't know what emancipation is, it is where the court legally says you are no longer under your parents rule. If under 18 there is a way to do this through your local court, however, your parents must comply.

  2. It all depends on the state you live in, so you would have to look into that.

    It varies.

  3. Your parents dont have to agree to your emancipation. If you feel your in danger or arent being treated right the court will emancipate you. You just have to show that you will be able to hold yourself up on your own because once your emancipated you loose everything your parents give you (medical, money) till your 18.

  4. You can be emancipated at 16.

  5. Legally you only have to be 16 to be emancipated from your parents but once you get out there you may wish you would have stayed home.

  6. You may move out of your home once you reach maturity (adulthood). The age for this in most states is 18, however some states will modify this for a 17 year old. Emancipation is another option but is quite hard to obtain. To be emancipated you would have to prove to a judge that there is sufficient reason for the emancipation i.e. Abuse, neglect, violence in the home environment or other pressing nee.You will also have to prove your capability of providing for yourself without the help of anyone else... so if your plan is to move in with a relative, friend, boyfriend, etc such plan would not satisfy a judge.  

  7. to move out you must be 18 but can you survive in the jungle out there how you going to eat;how you slip; this is the have to see first before you live you worm bed and Raddy shelter, that you mother and father provide for you.

  8. I think its 16 or 17

  9. I'm pretty sure it's 18. Golden age, baby. ;]

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