
How old do u have to be to work in MIchigan??

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How old do u have to be to work in MIchigan??




  1. It all kinda depends on where you work. Fast food restaurants will hire no younger than 14 year olds, but dining areas and clothing stores usually want 16 or 18 year olds.

  2. 14 to be hired as an employee.  Though you can do things like lawn mowing & yard care, deliver newspapers, babysit, pet sit, dog walking & pet care, house work, or any other odd jobs you can hire yourself out for to friends and neighbors.

  3. About 15. 16 at most places.

  4. that depends on where you want to work.

  5. Here's some information I got online - the links below are 1) to this article; 2) minor work permit info; 3) tips for teens hunting for summer jobs in MI.  

    In short, minimum age for employment is 14.  However, you only have to be 11 to work as a golf caddy or youth athletic performance referee; and you only have to be 13 for certain farm jobs or to set traps for trap skeet or sporting clays.  

    Excerpt from article (first link):

    CIS Director David C. Hollister said minors are required to have a work permit, which can be obtained in any Michigan local school district, intermediate school district, public school academy, or non public school. Generally, youths must be a minimum of 14 years old for most jobs, however children as young as 11 can work as a golf caddy or sports referee. Children 13 years old can work on farms.

    Hollister said, “Michigan’s child labor laws were created to ensure the safety and well-being of the state’s youngest workers. It is important for employers to be educated about these laws particularly during summer months when more teens are joining the workforce to fill minimum wage jobs created by the increase in the state’s tourism and recreational activities. ”  

    Minors aged 14 and 15 can work from 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. while 16- and 17-year-olds can be employed between the hours of 6:00 a.m. until 10:30 p.m. (11:30 p.m on Friday or Saturday or when not regularly attending school) for up to 48 hours per week of school and work combined.

    Michigan child labor law requires that minors not be allowed to work more than five hours without a 30 minute break period.  Adequate adult supervision is also required for working minors. Minors can not work past sunset or 8 p.m., whichever is sooner, without adult supervision at a fixed location where cash transactions occur.

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