
How old do u start potty training?

by  |  earlier

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my daughters nearly 2 and every1 tells me she should be doin it now

all she wants to do with her potty is put in or head and say ' got new hat'




  1. don't let others tell you when the time is right. I know kids that were trained at two and others that were closer to four!! I know people who would just put their kids on the potty b/c they knew their "schedule." I started simple and had my 18 month old go potty before his bath (he used to stand up and pee as soon as his feet hit that warm water!!) But he wasn't truly trained (in other words, going on his own or letting me know when he needed to go) until he was almost three. My second son was a disaster. He could care less when his underwear got wet and I finally put him back in diapers. He eventually trained on his own, but it was a few months after his third b-day. If your daughter has no interest, it's tough to train.

    Also, I skipped the little potty step. I got a small toilet seat that fit onto our regular one and a step stool to help them climb up. Why would I want to clean out that nasty little potty all the time? I'd rather change a diaper!

  2. At 14 months old my daughter started doing the "potty" dance (hold privates and wiggling around) I asked her if she needed to go potty and she headed to the bathroom. She had very few accidents after that.

    If she can understand what it means to "go potty" then it is definitely time to potty train.

  3. Hi - been through this twice.  It takes a lot of patience and time but really happens rather quickly.  My advice would be to talk to your child.  Simply talk - and raise the bar.  Don't talk down, but encourage and tell them the benefits.  

    Give small rewards, say, M&M's, but also give a larger reward, say a trip to Chuck E Cheese when they haven't had any accidents for one week.  Make a chart with stars and let the child put the stars on the chart when they do well.

    Our first child was really quick and all we did was ask her if she was ready and and she said YES and was done.  Our second needed a little more attention, but both our girls were out of diapers by 26 months.

  4. When your daughter notices that she is wet and tells you about it, it's time to start training.  When she tells you before she's wet, then she's ready to go at it full time.

    You can read more about it at Dr. Greene's website.

  5. Potty train when your child is ready for it.  Most children are ready to start potty training anywhere from 18 months - 3 years on average.  You will know when your daughter is ready to train when she has interest in the bathroom, can understand and communicate bathroom words (potty, peepee, etc), ability to pull pants off, wants diaper changed right away and may hide in a corner for privacy when going in the diaper, and ability to follow simple instructions.

  6. i started my daughter at the age of 18 months. well i did not she just wanted to sit and she pooped and peed and loved it and now she is 2 1/2 and is still doing the potty training thing. i would say try to do it now.  

  7. Personally I think its up to the parent and when you feel and no that the child is ready. But some people really take that statement to heart, which is not what i'm trying to get at. However I dont think that she's too young to be introduced to the potty cause it may help in the training process. I think that the ideal age for toddlers to be potty trained is by 2 1/2

  8. The sooner the better. my youngest boy would not do it till he was 3 1/2.

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