
How old do u think people should have there own checking account????

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How old do u think people should have there own checking account????




  1. I would say that it depends on the need.  Will the person need to write checks with any regularity?  It would be advisable to  open a bank account at an early age, in the interest of teaching thrift and saving habits.  However, a savings account might be best and the first type of account opened.

  2. I was 16 when I got my own checking account. I have had the same account for the last 8 1/2 years.

  3. Old enough to use proper grammar and to know how to spell "you" and "their".

    Anyway, it has nothing to do with what we think, and everything to do with what the bank allows. Most banks require that you be at least 18 to have your own checking account, although some allow it younger if it's tied in with a parent's account.

  4. as soon as they can get one. this gives them feelings of responsibility, ownership, and "grown-upness"

  5. when they are responsible enough to not s***w it up.

  6. 16, under supervision of a parent

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