
How old do you expect a child to be able to go to bed on thier own??

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My llittle brother is 7 years old & STILL needs someone to go to bed with him. If someone isn't there with him, he won't fall asleep, or even go to bed.

How do I make him go to bed alone & sleep??




  1. maybe he's scared to be alone

    switch on the light for him and try to leave him alone for sleep

  2. i had the same problem and still do at 20 yrs old. i have a condition called monophobia. ive had to get counseling for it when i was little specifically because i would not go to bed alone. dont expect him to do it right away. he will not sleep well and have problems in his waking life. if he wakes up in the night and freaks out because he is sleeping alone then he has a problem. the best way to prevent this from happening is to stop sitting at there bedside by the time theyre 3. i thought i might let you know that because it can be a genetic condition and other siblings could get it too.

  3. You don't say your age and it's really your parent's job to work with this.  They need to start a consistant night routine, bedtime pj's, bedtime snack, teeth brushing, reading a story or talking for 15 min., then the tuck in, and be firm on it.  Consistency is very important but this child is old enough to talk to about what is going on and see what else does he need, a light on, a stuffed toy, and go thru the night routine with him before it happens.  Write it down maybe with pictures and remind him with that if he keeps getting back up and set up a reward when he does it all night for the morning.

  4. If you can get him into a good routine, he could start going to bed on his own. My oldest son is five, and he will usually go to bed on his own.  His little brother is 4 and he gets ready for bed, but someone has to actually tell him that it's time to sleep! I had them both into a habit of dinner, brush teeth, read a book, then hang out for a bit, then bedtime since very little.

  5. It really depends on the child. My oldest daughter is 8 and we still read to her nightly and do the nighttime routine. She falls asleep on her own, though, and has been doing so since she was about 6.

    Your parents should probably teach ("train") your brother to be able to fall asleep on his own at this age... he is just used to having someone there with him. It will be a hard habit to break, but done with love it is possible! Just reassure him that he's still loved and everything is safe.

  6. It depends on the child because some are afraid of the dark or if they think thier too old for someone to tuck them in. There isn't a problem either way. He's fine but if you really want to stop him give him a blanket or something that he can hold and give him a nightlight, that really helps.

  7. sleep next to him.. then when he falls asleep just creep out and leave him or put a teddy near him so he thinks its you...

  8. with my niece who is one i have to turn on the tv and give her a doll book then say good night then i leave it works with her

  9. You simply tell your parents they need to take of their son, and let you be the sister.

    This is not your job or place to be dealing with this.

  10. my son is turning 8 this 17th, but he has been going to bed alone since he was 4 yrs old. the moment he says goodnight he goes straight to bed and fall asleep immediately.

  11. I personally think kids should always be tucked in and said goodnight to but you should not have to stay till they fall asleep

  12. this is going tobe the most excrusiating thing to do but you have to do it.  when you tuck him in give him a stuffed animal with him and reasure him. the first couple of nights are the worst. you tell him to lay down and then you go about whatever your doing. let him fuss and fight but just as long as he is in that bed just leave him be. if he keeps getting up then you must give him some kind of punishment then lay him back down, walkout and let him cry him self to sleep if he has to. it sounds cruel but it is the ONLY way to do it trust me. also make sure you make a specific bedtime.  get him on a routine then ur in

  13. This should be a job for your parents, honey.

    If you are the one who is supposed to be there for your brother when he falls asleep, then your parents are not doing a good job of parenting.

    Is there an older adult that you can talk to about this situation?

    Good luck.

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