
How old do you have to be and how much does adopting a kid cost???

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My friend said like 14-15 or something how much does it cost??? How old will I have to be?




  1. Uhm.. how old are you.. Please know that most places won't adopt to a anyone under the age of 18 (minimum)

    And looking to adopt an older girl?? That's great, but do know that  most places require a sufficient age gap.. In other words.. YOU need to be 15-18 years older than the child you adopt.

    So, sounds like it will be awhile.

    Girls the age you're looking for ABOUND in foster care.. Many times adopting from foster care is free...  

  2. You'll have to check with your state, but I believe in most states you need to be 18 or 21 to adopt.  And adopting through foster care is free in most states.

  3. hmmmm ive got a feeling your not old enough.....and to be honest..if you were old enough and mature enough to be adopting you wouldnt be on yahoo answers asking how much does it cost to buy a'd be doing alot of research and would probably know all that information already.

  4. I think that this is a joke.  What 14-15 year old would try to adopt a little girl from the age of 8-11?  What are they going to do, save up their allowance?  Please.

  5. You usually have to be 21 to adopt, however, in cases where older "adult" siblings are adopting their younger siblings in order to keep a family together, they will, sometimes, allow 18-20 year olds to adopt (but only their siblings).

    At 14-15 you are still your parents responsibility.  That means, that if you were allowed to adopt, you would be forcing your parents to be responsible for another child.  This would be the case even if you were a 14-15 year old who got pregnant.

    Adoption is expensive, and you need to have a stable income, a place for the child to live (with his/her own room) though you can be a renter, it is better if you own your own place.

    I think you should wait until you are finished with high school and college and settled into your career before you even consider adding a child (through birth or adoption) to your family.  Marriage is also nice, but you don't have to be married to adopt.  

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