
How old do you have to be before i can start using my social security number?

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how old do i have to be before i can start using my social security number?




  1. Your SS# can be used for credit @ the age 18. But Beware as soon as you turn 18 the credit card companies will start targeting you! It is super easy to get sucked in & before you know it u can be over your head in debt! Responsablity is the key =)

  2. Well you can use your SS number when you get a job.  I believe you can get a job at age 15 with your parents' consent.  When you start making money, the federal government will take out Social Security Taxes which could be 5-10% of your check!  Yeah!  Not something to look forward to!!! :)

    After you have paid into Social Security by working at your job(s) for at least 10 years, you are supposed to be able to retire and receive monthly benefits (checks) starting at age 62.  For full benefits, you must wait until age 67.

    Unfortunately, the Social Security system is flawed.  There will soon be more retirees collecting benefits than there are workers paying into the system.  So it is estimated that the Social Security trust fund will run out in the year 2042!!  If this problem is not addressed soon, we are going to get screwed when it is time for us to retire!

    I hope that answers your question!

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