
How old do you have to be in order to be able to buy condoms?

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How old do you have to be in order to be able to buy condoms?




  1. no age requirement

  2. There's no age requirement to have safe s*x although most of you idiot children don't use them.

  3. There is no age limit. Though I am 13 going on 14 soon, and would never go in and buy condoms, for that im not sexually active. But, If you are, or are think about it, go ahead, it may feel akword, thats ok. Atleast your using protection. Good job for that.

  4. There is no age requirement. Unfortunately, there is also no age requirement to have s*x.

  5. Condoms break and come off quite often.  What are you going to do then?  

    My advice is to not have s*x at all if you aren't ready to raise a child.

  6. Any age,

    althought if you live in the UK and go to the brook, they can deny you having any - however this is extremely unusual.

    Ignore what everyones says about you shouldnt be having s*x, if your comfortable then its alright. Dont be pressured into it though.

    Just make sure you use protection and dont regret it.

  7. there is no age.. u can be whatev age u wantt

  8. idk how old you are but you are too young to be having s*x. you arent supposed to have s*x out of wedlock! wat is wrong wit you??? ugh stupid kid. even if you have condoms theres always a chance that youll get pregnant. thats y God said NO s*x!

  9. Doesn't matter there is no age restriction

  10. u can buy one at any age but u should not have s*x underage but atleast u are willing to use protection

  11. sadly there is no age requirement, but i think they should make it that u have to be 18 to buy them

  12. hey if someone is mature enough to be using condoms give them some credit!  don't be insulting!  You don't even know the age of the person asking the question and some teenagers are a lot more responsible about s*x then some adults.

    why have an age requirement?  I want the teenagers having s*x to use condoms, what idiots don't?

  13. They aren't a controlled substance.  No age requirement.

  14. In my area, you are not allowed to buy condoms until you are 18 and legal to have s*x. I don't know if this extends to you, but you can always find out by looking up the local laws or asking a clerk in a store. It may seem embarassing, but go somewhere that you normally don't go into.

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