
How old do you have to be to NOT wear a..........?

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Helmet for bike riding in Maryland....




  1. Everyone says you should always wear your helmet, but i stopped wearing one after i turned 7 years old!

  2. One thousand years old..............

  3. Umm trust me... you'll want to wear a helmet...

    I was riding on my bike and I hit a small pole and went flying and landed on my head, luckily I was wearing a helmet so I was okay. But my teachers son was riding his bike and was hit by a speeding car and he went into a coma... once he got out, he was alive, but he had problems and he's mentally and physically challenged even today, and that was 7 years ago...

      Just wear a helmet!! Trust me!!!

    Hope this helped.  :)

  4. I think it's the law no matter how old you are.

  5. i never wore a helmet my whole life? wait you mean like bike riding right? this question is strange


  7. WHA!

  8. you have to be brain dead to not wear a helmet anywhere.

  9. Heres the Maryland law......

    Any child old enough to pedal a bike or ride with you in a bike child seat needs a helmet. Maryland law now requires anyone younger than 16 to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle.

    Be sure the two-wheelers you buy properly fit your child or they'll find them difficult to control. The CPSC recommends that children younger than 6 ride a bike only under adult supervision. Children younger than 9 lack the skills to avoid dangerous traffic situations and should stay away from streets.

    Skateboards and in-line skates can also be hazardous, especially if children don't wear helmets and other protective equipment. Be sure to supply safety equipment with the bike, skateboard or skates and insist they be worn.

  10. always wear one. it's the law.

  11. it doesn't matter how old someone is... u still should always wear a helmet 4 protection & 2 be safe.

  12. you always have to wear a helmet no matter what age you are. That is the safety regulation placed upon the entire nation. However, you could chose not to wear one, but then when you hit you head against the pavement you'll regret it.

  13. Even if the law says you do not need a helmet, please consider wearing one. Most people don't know that a preponderance of organ donors are people with severe brain injuries--many from motorcycle and bicycle accidents.

    In fact, when my friend had a liver transplant, the doctor told us that so many organs come from the brain-injured, that donors are sometimes referred to as donor-cyclists.

  14. go to the maryland state webpage. every state webpage has common laws like wedding ages, there SHOULD be something in there about helments. ca and tx does.

  15. you should live in california the cops here are too busy worring about gangs and drugs you can pretty much ride naked on a bike


  16. always wear...

  17. What does it matter?  Even if you were old enough to not wear a helmet, you should anyway.  Just cuz you don't have to do it doesn't mean you should do it.

    WEAR A HELMET! Unless you want to crack your head open!

  18. you should always wear on. Here is a story that happened to me that will make  you get one. I was riding a bike on they street without a helmet and i was making a turn. The turn was so quick that i fell HEAD FIRST and got a bump on my forehead the size of a golf ball. THANK GOD I DIDNT BREAK MY SKULL IN HALF.

  19. should always wear a helmet wanna keep your brains dont ya

  20. In NY, in every county, it is 18.  For MD, it depends on which county you live in.  Here is a website that should give you the information you're looking for.

  21. you should always wear one no matter what your age is

    i choose helment over head trama

  22. you should always wear one

  23. you should always wear one. nuff said.

  24. in new york its 14 i know tht but i never had one on.  [im 14 now]

  25. Maryland law requires all bicyclists under the age of 16 to wear a bicycle safety helmet when riding on public property.

  26. When you are dead.

    Dennis G

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