
How old do you have to be to adopt a cat without a guardian at Petsmart?

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I'm 13 and I'm looking to adopt a cat for my mom, for her birthday.

How old do you have to be to adopt one without a parent?




  1. It depends on the organization the store got the cats from.  My store gets them from the local ASPCA and their requirement is that you be at least 21.

  2. 18...and bad idea! i work at Petsmart.

  3. you must be 18

  4. do you have any older siblings or cousins? take them along just in case

  5. you must be 18 or older to adopt one. If you want to adopt one for your mother find a guardian old enough. Like a relative or something like that.  

  6. i am pretty sure you have to be older than thirteen, or have a parent with you. most workers at pet stores dont let kids younger than 18 buy animals because they feel they will not respect the animals well enough. so im sorry you probably will have to find another way to get a cat. if you have a dad go with him to get one

  7. Are you sure your mom wants a cat?

    Although it will ruin the surprise, maybe you should ask her first.  Perhaps you get a card, and make a "One Cat Coupon (Also Good For One Free Dinner)", shaped like a cat.  

    Bringing a new animal into your home and life is a responsibility, and your mom may not be ready to take on that commitment.

  8. I know more then 13 so take a neighbor or a friends mom.

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