
How old do you have to be to adopt or foster?

by  |  earlier

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iam looking to foster and adopt kids....iam 19yrs old and my future husband is 27yrs old....i stay at home and my husband has a good job he makes around 60ks a year we live in a nice apartment and close to good school...iam just wondering can anyone help me out please it would be much appreciated!!!!




  1. Usually you have to be 21...I'm adopted and I think it's great that you want to do that. You may want to locate a local agancie and they will require that you tske classes and meet many requirements. Good Luck.

  2. It's 19 in my state. You can search for your state's adoption laws to check for sure.

  3. i think u have to be at least 21 and it will look better if ur married

  4. Age doesn't matter (as long as you are an adult of course).  They look at other things.  First you will have to become a certified foster home; home study, interview, classes, fingerprints, etc.  Then after that they will look at you as a need be for adoption.  Once you are a foster parent the adoption process is a little quicker because much of the paper work is the same (that is for foster adopt).  There are so many foster children that are in need of good homes, I hope this works out for you.

  5. It really is dependent on the state or type of adoption that you choose.  Some countries have certain requirements for adoption.  State regulations vary amongst states, and agencies may have different requirements too.  I wish I could provide more info for you, but it would be helpful if I knew what state you were in.  

    Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

    Good luck to you.

  6. Most places require you to be at least 21, some 25, to adopt. Check your local laws. Most also require you to be married at least two years to adopt, and since you said "future husband," that would make you at least 21 by the time you reach that milestone.

  7. It varies by state.  Some states also have a marriage requirement (you can't live with a fiance/boyfriend), and some don't.   You would need to find out the requirements in your state.

  8. Washington State - 21 years old

    FYI.  Take it slow (even once you hit 21).  We became licenced when I was 22 and my husband was 24 (we had been married for 2 years).  We are now three years down the road, have 3 adopted children, and love our family, but realize that we were not nearly as ready as we thought we were.  Parenting is hard enough, these children despirately need homes, but it is not easy - and contrary to what you may presume (I did) love will not make everything OK.  I love my children to the end of the earth and back, but have dealt with my own issues accepting the drastic changes in our lives.  You don't get these children as infants (most of the time) and they  CAN have drug and alcohol exposure, severe behavior problems, sleepless, terror filled dreams at night, and attachment disorders.

    If you are SURE (like you've prayed about it, talked with your extended family about it, you and your husband have a talked about all of your parenting expectations, desires, fears, hopes, dreams, and up-front understand that you may fall in love with a child that you will cry over every day - because of lack of attachment, behavior, and so forth) then go for it - the kids NEED it!  But just remember, if you are not 100% sure that you and your spouse are ready, don't do it - the last thing foster children need is to go to a foster home that wasn't ready, then being moved to a different home.  

    Good luck in your ventures & God Bless!

  9. i believe you need to be 21, but since you are to be married and your husband is older there may be an exception ... check with your local DES office.

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