
How old do you have to be to be a clubrep?

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am only 15 but i hate scotland and as soon as i turn 17/18 im gonna move abroad with a bit of money and try get a job, ive always wanted to be a clubrep like work with the travel industry.. i cant wait to grow up and do this.. i wanna move out of scotland and move abroad asap! but i was wondering what age do you need to be? cos as soon as im legal to work with the travel industry im out of here! ha x




  1. to be a club rep if you mean bouncer in the usa 18 but you need to be a bit big and able to throw people out unless you mean you want to advertise for clubs but most clubs just go by word of mouth and location. Or did you mean you want to start up or become a business partner in the club and make desicions because that will require you to pay start up cost and pay your dues before you see any money. Well good luck.

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