
How old do you have to be to be able to be a life guard?

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Preferably on a beach, but pool's ok.

Apparently you have to swim 400m in 7.5 mins, is this tru aswell?




  1. I am currently a lifeguard...

    You can become qualified at the age of 16 although most places wont take you on until you are 18 due to insurance reasons etc.

    I have never had to do 400m in my training, which I do regularly?!

  2. beach life guard is 18+

  3. i don't know if it depends on where you live

    but i would imagine they can train you from 16 =)

    you just have to be a strong swimmer.

    and have a first aid cert as well, to be able to get some one breathing and such


  4. beach lifeguards have to go through a totally different training process than pool lifeguards. Pool lifeguards have to usually take a first aid class and a swim test. If you pass all the test you become a pool lifeguard. The length of the swim depends on where you take the course i think. Beach life guards have to go through much more rigorous training and most patrols have try outs. You will have to run a few miles and usually a timed mile in  about 7min or less for a girl. For the swim i had to do a 200 in 3min or less but different patrols have different requirements. So ask around. Good luck.

  5. You probably have to be at least 18. I know at some pools you only need to be 16, but I'm ont sure about beaches. You'll also have to be certified to perform CPR. I wouldn't doubt the swimming thing either.

  6. I used to lifeguard all through out highschool and college. It's a great job to have cause it's very flexable hours so if you are in any type of school it will work well and the anwser to your question is you must be 16 years old and 18 to be a pool manager.This is at pols ofcorse and at beaches you have to be 18 cause of the mass area you have to cover and those training drills are a must. i am not sure what the new distance is but you will have to take physical test to make sure you can handle the job. I hope this helps

  7. For Beach Lifeguard, the minimum age here in California is 18 years at all the agencies I am aware of.  The typical 'test' for qualification is a Run-Swim-Run, typically 500 yards (over sand) followed by a distance swim of up to a mile, followed by another 500-yard run.  Since the trials are competetive, there is no set time, you simply have to do better than most of the others competing.  At a place like Huntington Beach they will typically have hundreds of applicants for a couple of dozen openings (at most).  It is highly competitive.  The Run-Swim-Run is not all, either.  There is an interview process and qualifications review.  Having previous experience as a Pool Lifeguard is beneficial, as is certification as an EMT and Swift-Water Rescue Technician.  Anything that gives you an edge in this competitive field.

    Swimming Pool Lifeguard is a different story, as there are often shortages of qualified Pool Lifeguards.  

    To enter the American Red Cross Lifeguarding course you have to be at least 15 years old.  I believe this is true of the Ellis & Assoc. and YMCA courses as well.  The prerequisite, besides age, is the ability to swim 500 yards with front crawl and/or breast-stroke without stopping;  retrieve a 10 pound weight from 9 foot deep water;  and tread water for two minutes.  It is very helpful if you can swim side-stroke and elementary back-stroke, do a good racing type dive, and be generally confident in and around the water.  

    Some agencies will not hire a person until age 16, but here in Southern California there are a number of places where a 15-year-old can get a Lifeguard job.

    Lifeguarding is a responsible, professional level job with the possibility for making life & death decisions.  It is not for everyone.  But it can be a very good & rewarding job.  

    I was a Lifeguard & Lifeguard Trainer for more than 30 years.

  8. depends on where you live and the pool.  the pool i work at in philly and you have to be 15 with all your papers n all

  9. i'm not sure about the 400 that you might have to swim, but i know that at my local pool, you only have to be 16

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