
How old do you have to be to be able to get into a tanning bed?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering cause I'm 13 and I've only been in one at my friends house I want to go to one in public




  1. If your 13;most tanning places will let you tan :)

  2. When I was 13 I went tanning a couple times for a pageant. My mom drove me and waited in the front while I tanned, so I am sure you will be able to. I stopped tanning though, because if you do it too much it can do a lot of harm to your skin. My friend did it a lot before pageants, and she developed skin cancer. Just be careful.  

  3. any age with permission from a parent, they have to sign papers.

  4. DO NOT DO IT!!! It is so bad for your skin as it is very aging and can give you skin cancer. I work in a Hospital and have seen a girl of only 22 die of skin cancer and she used a sunbed. It is not fashionable to be tanned now. If you want to be tanned then use a self tan. So PLEASE do not use a sunbed.

  5. you can be any age if your parents will let you i do not reccomend this use a fake tan in a botte it is much saferand will last longer and you will have more than one use of it unlike the tanning bed also you have a risk of cancer getting in your bed so choose the fake tan bottle

  6. it doesn't matter, you shouldn't be in one anyway. no one should

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