
How old do you have to be to do community service? I really want to work at a humane society!?

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How old do you have to be to do community service? I really want to work at a humane society!?




  1. You've received a lot of good advice already. So, now it's up to you to find and call the Humane Society, the ASPCA and/or the animal shelter in your area and to get the information yourself. You also need to make arrangements for transportation and commit to a regular day and time to volunteer.

    Here are some places to look for all kinds of volunteering opportunities (if you are in the USA), in case the places you call say no:




    Network for Good,


  2. Each location is different, call and ask but usually w/ parents permission 13 and as young as 11 can perform service. What a great idea!

  3. My son volunteered at the Humane Society when he was 12.

  4. Sometimes if they feel you are mature enough they will let you volunteer ...go and see...

  5. well im 15 and im already doing community service

  6. It depend on the organization. You should call them.

  7. the age limit would vary with the work areas. OSHA would not allow those under 18 in many states to operate machinery. Some places set it at 16 for farm labor etc. would think it would be a local thing of placing the age on an area such as humane society work. perhaps call or visit the local shelter to ask.

  8. Old enough to not be too impressionable.

    Lest you be converted into a "Humaniac"

    But that you remain a sound "Humane" person.

  9. You can volunteer at any age, but some places have an age limit like 16 :)

  10. I'm not sure what the age requirements are now, but I started volunteering at the hospital when I was fourteen.

  11. you can voluneer if you wan i think go to them and ask. they can hve you do something. take care.

  12. my niece has being working since the age of nine

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