
How old do you have to be to gamble with play money at an online cardroom

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I know a few people who play play money online because they think real is too risky. They are over 21, but i was wondering wat the limit was if you only play with play money on an online cardroom like fulltilt poker.( play money is worth nothing and you can keep renewing it, which is my main thing. If you get unlimited and its worth nothing its not gambling, but since its poker it is?




  1. 18

  2. The card rooms ask that you are 18, a legal adult.

    American law doesn't really apply in terms of the age of being 'allowed' to use the sites, because the sites are not American.

    Some states do have language in the law banning the use of these poker sites altogether.  But it's not like you hear of any cases of people being arrested for sitting at home playing poker.

  3. technically it doesnt matter, you just have to check a box that shows you are 18....but if you plan on upgrading to real money you should be 18

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