
How old do you have to be to get condoms and birth control?

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How old do you have to be to get condoms and birth control?




  1. There is no age restriction to buy condoms.

    To get birth control however, you usually need a parent if under 16.

  2. you should not be having s*x until you are at least 16.   go to the doctors and get on birth control.  Call in your area and ask your doctor.  

  3. I don't know that there's an age.  you just have to be comfortable enough with yourself to go to the store and buy a box of condoms or to ask your doc for birth control.  You might want to wait until you are REALLY sure you want to have s*x.

  4. you can just get a condom at any age but now sure of B.C im not a girl:P

  5. When you are ready to handle the consequences.

    xox- Julie

  6. there's no age

  7. you don't have to be a certain age to buy condoms. you can get them at almost any store: walmart, kmart, 7 eleven, anywhere. for birth control, the only way to obtain it is by going to the doctors and getting a prescription or going to a family planning center like planned parenthood and asking for some. they give it for free if you're under 18.

  8. Well IF you have to ask this then I feel you might just be to young to be having s*x.  I think that you are able to get condoms and birth control and almost any age (not illegal to get these things) but I think that if you are not old enough to care for an unplanned child (no birth control is 100% effective) then you should think twice about having s*x (protected or not) until you are old enough to care for an infant.

  9. Well condoms has know age limit

    Birth control you have to be atleast 13 to have it at my health clinic.

  10. You can buy them at any age.

  11. I dont think that there is any age restrictions for condoms definately because you can hget them in public toliets however other types of birth control i an not sure but i no that if you want the pill or something you have to go to your doctors for him to let you

    over all i dont think there is a age restriction on any types  

  12. No age. You can walk into a store and buy condoms at 5. Planned Parenthood gives you birth control as well.

    The only thing that I find ridiculous is that you need to be eighteen to get plan B without a doctor. Are we encouraging teen pregnancy here?? Do you really think a 16-year-old girl is going to tell her mother to go get her that pill?


    Wtf is with all the thumbs down?

  13. Go to your local free clinic, they can answer all the questions you may have for them

  14. birth control you have to go to the docters to get it. condoms you can get anytime becouse you get them at the store. you can also get spermacides at the store.

  15. i don't believe there is any age requirement on buying condoms. for birth control your best bet is to talk to a doctor, they would need to prescribe it anyway... i don't think there is an age requirement there either but they may need to let a parent know that they are prescribing it

  16. You can buy condoms at 7 Eleven or the grocery store or drug store. There's no age required. There might be different requirements for birth control. You can check with your local Health Department or Planned Pregnancy Center.

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