
How old do you have to be to get contacts and/or get laser eye surgery?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14 and I'm trying to get contacts the school year starts. My glasses get in the way. Kids that were in my classes have had contacts and they were only 12/13 at the time.

And if i'm able to get contacts would I be allowed to pick the color I want? cause I have a stigmatism in both eyes.

And if contacts cant fix my stigmatism could I get laser surgery at this age?




  1. I found a website where a doctor of ophthalmology says:

    "You need a couple of years with essentially the same prescription and that usually happens for most people in the mid-20s. I have operated on 70-year-olds and even -- rarely -- on 18-year-olds. For someone that young, they have to have records showing exactly the same prescription for four years. For the most part, we don't do Lasik on children, but there have been some unusual circumstances."

  2. im 14 too im wearing contacts already for like 3 months it depends on your doctor to pick your color i have astigmatism too so yeaa

    my contact brand is acuvue hydralic for astigmatism

  3. I was 14 when I first got my very first pair of contacts.. I hated wearing glasses too especially when it rained!  My dr wanted me to wait til I was 14 to get contacts. My old dr told me that I had stigmatism but then I got a second opinion and they told me I didn't. Either way yes you can get contacts if you have stigmatism, I dont think they can fix it.  No you are much too young to get laser eye surgery.. My dr said I had to wait til I turned 18 to get surgery. So I think you should talk to your dr and see what he tells you.

  4. You probably can't get surgery because your eyes are still growing, but I think you can get contacts.

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