
How old do you have to be to get your??

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how old do you have to be to get your nose peirced in texas?

and i know everyone has a different tollerance of pain but how much does it hurt?




  1. 18 years old unless you have a parent/guardian. It really depends on how thick your nose is. it generally is a minimal amount of pain and heals within 3 months.

  2. As in every state, if you are 18 or over, you can get whatever you want. If you are a minor it's usually 16+ for anything beyond your ears with parental consent at the time of piercing, proof of ID for both parties, and whatever else your state might require. It can be really thick, but they will just have to push harder which may hurt more (mine did anyway, hurt more than any of my piercings). Call local shops, ask them how old you have to be, what you need to have and any other questions. If they don't ask for ID, run! Not asking for your ID is shady and they should not be trusted. Doing your homework about your area really pays off so make calls, stop by and clear it with your parents before setting an appointment or planning on walking in. Good luck, follow after care and have fun!

  3. If you're a minor, then you need a consenting parent or legal guardian with you.  As far as the minimum age, it depends on the studio.  Some places won't pierce anyone under 16, some will.  Call around to reputable shops and ask what their policy is.

    I've never heard of a case of someone's nose being "too thick" to get pierced.

    It didn't hurt me any worse than a shot, but everyone is different.  No matter how much it hurts, the pain isn't unbearable.

  4. it's not a stupid question it's just probly one of the most repeated question on here besides how much a tattoo hurts or how old do i have to be to get tattooed.

    really can be solved with 1 ph call to a local shop or by searching piercing/tattooing laws online.

    but to answer your question it's 18yo. if under 18yo you need the 'rents or your guardian with you.

    i think the exception is if you are emancipated. but you need your paperwork to show you are.

    and the pain isn't that bad. it's a pretty quick prick and then there is the feeling of them pushing the jewelry through. at that point it's the hot skin feeling.

    then it will be tender during healing.  

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