
How old do you have to be to move out of your house in the state of texas?

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My aunt has checked numerous web pages on google and everywhere else they all said the legal age to move out of your house in texas is 17 for a female? Does anybody know if that's correct or not? My cousin is wanting to move out on her own.




  1. 17 or 18, i would assume 18 because thats the age where a person gets all of their other rights like voting

  2. Listen it's a blessing to have a roof over your head . If you are staying with someone and they are asking for money you are still coming out cheaper there than if you had your own. Tell your cousin if s/he is not being tortured, molested, abused in anyway I suggest that s/he stay where s/he is until at least 21. Tell cuzzo to save some money at least about a years worth for rent because it is hard living on your own expecially if you are not mentally ready. Make sure when s/he makes that transition s/he don't have to go back at least for a year and don't leave out of anger leave out of maturity. Personally if a person is  under 21 with no kids or even one,and not at some dorm I feel like they shouldn't be forced to live alone and 17 to me is too young...

  3. They're all wrong.  And *a lot* of what you find on the Internet is wrong.  

    The Texas Family Code defines a minor as a person under 18 years of age who is not and has not been married (which requires parental consent) or who has not had the disabilities of minority removed (which means emancipated—the minor has to go to court to request it, and judges RARELY grant it). It also states that the parent of a minor has the right to ‘have physical possession’ of that minor and to ‘designate the residence’ of the minor.

    So, the magical age is….18, unless the minor is married or has been granted emancipation by a judge.

    On the other hand, since a parent has the right to ‘designate the residence of the minor’  they can give that minor permission to live somewhere else other than home (for example, I left home at 17--with parental permission--to attend college) as long as it’s a safe and appropriate environment.  However, the parents are still legally responsible for the child.

    FYI--the laws are gender neutral.  They're the same for males and females.

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